Message from the Chief – Preventing Heat Related Injuries
June 10, 2022
The Fire Chief would like to remind you of preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of heat-related fires. Weekends usually bring people outdoor for various activities and family barbecues. The following are a few tips to preventing Heat-Related Fires around the home:
- Lawn mowers, weed eaters, chain saws, grinders and welders can all spark a vegetation
fire. - Do all yard work that requires gas or an electrical motor before 10AM, not in the heat of the
day or when the wind is blowing. - Never use lawn mowers in dry vegetation.
- Don’t overload circuits with fans and air conditioners. Overloaded circuits can start an
electrical fire. - Don’t use a BBQ grill when the wind is blowing and be sure all coals are fully extinguished
when done.
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